Signed and sealed with with a kiss: Burberry and Google put their own spin on the digital postcard with the launch Wednesday of “Burberry Kisses,” a visually immersive experience that allows you to send a digital copy of your lip imprint through the world of Google Maps.

Head over to using your desktop Chrome browser or the web browser on your smartphone or tablet. You’ll then be prompted to capture a kiss by pressing your lips to the screen — or, on the desktop, by capturing the shape of your lips with a webcam. The longer you press, the bolder the imprint.

Once you’ve captured your kiss, you can fill out a postcard to send from your town or city to that of a friend. Send a postcard from Newport Beach, Calif., to Tokyo, for example, and you’ll catch a glimpse of your letter taking leave from Newport Beach’s ocean-facing Cliff Drive, watch it fly across the ocean and descend upon the Tokyo skyline. Its journey will be set to the tune of Burberry Acoustic singer Misty Miller’s “Evergreen Love.”

It’s an experience designed, in the words of Burberry Chief Creative Officer Christopher Bailey, to give technology “a bit of heart and soul.” It’s also a marketing opp — after you take an impression of your lips, you’ll be able to color it using one of five Burberry lipstick shades. (Alternatively, you can opt for no lipstick at all.)

The initiative is part of Google’s Art, Copy & Code project, an ongoing series of storytelling collaborations between Google and brands.

Sending and receiving a postcard is itself fun and engaging, but equally cool is the map of kisses you can view at the end, which shows cards being sent from city to city in real-time.

To try it out, check out

Images courtesy of Burberry and Google.

Source : Mashable

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